April 25, 2018
The new Fireman’s Beach boat ramp is taking shape.
The ramp has been relocated to the south side of the beach area to facilitate boat launching and provide improved safety at the swimming beach.

April 11, 2018
Underground improvements proceeding along north side of Water St., West of 1st St., as 2 lane traffic continues.
Please remember businesses in this area remain open and happy to serve you.

April 11, 2018
Revitalization work well underway at Fireman’s Beach

March 20, 2018
Construction Underway on Revitalization Projects

Please refer to March 14th Meadville Tribune article and the March 19th Community News article in the “Media Coverage” tab of this website.
March 13, 2018
$4 Million Conneaut Lake Water Street and Fireman’s Beach revitalization project begins construction
Tuesday, March 13 marked the beginning of Conneaut Lake revitalization construction with a ceremonial ground breaking. The Water Street project (1st St. intersection through 2nd St. intersection) is already underway and is expected to be completed within 120 days. The Fireman’s Beach project will begin soon and is targeted for completion by the Memorial Day weekend.
Please refer to the March 14, 2018 Meadville Tribune article in the “Media Coverage” tab of this website.
January 12, 2018
Town Hall Meeting Construction Update
There will be a Town Hall Meeting at 7:00 pm on Friday, February 16, 2018 at the Conneaut Lake Town Hall. Open to the public, information will be presented regarding the construction plans for the first phase of the revitalization project, including Water Street from 1st Street to 2nd Street and Fireman’s Beach. Representatives from CLCDC, Crawford County and the construction companies will be present. The meeting will include a Q&A.
December 28, 2017
Conneaut Lake Revitalization Project Phase 1 construction expected to begin in Spring, 2018
Seven bids, covering two separate bid packages, were opened recently at the Crawford County Planning Commission office. A third bid package for Water Street had been previously opened and has already been awarded.
The first opening was two bids for the Water Street project. The second opening was five bids for the Fireman’s Beach Project.
The process, involving three separate bid packages for Phase 1 construction, is now complete and the bids are under budget. Contracts are expected to be awarded at the Jan. 2 meeting of Conneaut Lake Borough Council after all bids are reviewed.
The only other contracts still out for bid are for engineering services with bids due by Friday.
Once all contracts are awarded, a town hall meeting will be held to explain the entire process and its ramifications to borough residents and property owners.
Please refer to the December 26, 2017 Meadville Tribune article in the “Media Coverage” tab of this website.
November 18, 2017
More good Revitalization News…..
The second and third of three bid packages for the First Phase of the Revitalization projects for Water Street and Fireman’s Beach were posted today in the Meadville Tribune. Sealed bids will be opened and read at 9:00am, December 15, at the Crawford County courthouse. The first bid package has already been awarded.
With the completion of the bid process by yearend, it is anticipated that the construction work on both Water Street and Fireman’s Beach will begin in the Spring, 2018.
Bid 2: Water Street Streetscape Rehabilitation Project
Included in the project:
- Replacement of existing concrete curbs, sidewalks, and ADA pedestrian ramps
- Milling and resurfacing of the roadway
- Installation of new storm sewers and inlets
- Installation of undergroun utility and traffic conduits
- Installation of landscaping materials
Bid 3: Fireman’s Beach Rehabilitation Project
Included in the project:
- Demolition, grading, relocation of miscellaneous site items
- Removal and relocation of existing lighting system and utilities
- Removal and repairs to existing retaining walls
- Construction of new storm drainage systems
- Asphalt paving
- Pavement markings
- Signage
- Portland Cement paving and sidewalks
- New boat docks
- New boat launch
- Aggregate parking areas including wheel stops
- ADA compliant pedestrian ramps
- Site lighting
- Appurtenances including mobilization, maintenance of traffic, erosion control, utilities and landscaping
October 21, 2017
Bids for Revitalization Project moving forward
Three bid packages totaling $3.5 million have been prepared for the first phase of the revitalization project to include the first block of Water Street (1st Street intersection through 2nd Street intersection) and Fireman’s Beach.
One bid package addressing Water Street and Fireman’s Beach has been out and returns are to be returned this week. A second bid package for Water Street is to be sent out this week. And the third bid package, specific to Fireman’s Beach, will be sent out soon, pending final legal and survey work.
The timing for completion of all 3 bid packages is in line with a timetable for the start of construction in the Spring, 2018.
Please refer to the “Media Coverage” tab, and the Meadville Tribune article of October 21, 2017.
Sep 16, 2017
Conneaut Lake Borough Council has voted unanimously to advertise for bids on seven different projects as part of the revitalization of downtown and Fireman’s Beach.
PennDOT will coordinate the bid opening for work specific to Water Street, including advertising and contractor selection. Borough Council will award the contract by December 15 and expects construction to begin by no later than Spring 2018.