The CLCDC pursued an ambitious plan to totally renovate Fireman’s Beach and make it a showplace destination for local citizens and visitors. The existing park had many deficiencies and worn-out facilities.
After much work, funding for the project was obtained from multiple sources. The primary government sponsor was Pennsylvania DCNR providing the first $775,000.00 but more was needed. Eventually, the U.S. Dept. Of Commerce – Economic Development Administration, Crawford County, Conneaut Lake Borough, the CLCDC, and private monetary donations, as well as a critical land donation from local citizens Bob and Kathy Moss amounted to an additional $950,000.00 in investment for a new park. Much of the work needed was on “invisible” infrastructure which included earth moving, hardening wet ground, re-directing underground utilities and natural springs, underwater boat launch removal and re-building, and underwater boat dock anchor systems. Overhead electrical lines were redirected and placed underground.

All of these modifications created the “blank canvass” for the impressive above ground visible improvements. These include a new ADA accessible metal floating dock system, a new lakefront promenade, new electrical service, new storm drainage, a direct walkable lakefront connection to Ice House Park, an extensive system of rain gardens for rainwater control of unwanted nutrients and chemicals that allow growth of beneficial native plant species, new picnic areas, new ornamental trees, an engineered traffic flow pattern enhancing pedestrian safety, and an expanded organized parking area for boat trailers as well as personal vehicles. The park has become a self-sufficient revenue generator for the benefit of local taxpayers.